Sunday, June 1, 2008

Grace Baptist Church

Mount Vernon, TX
Pastor Ledford

Saturday, after the Gospel sing at McPherson Road, we drove a couple hours down the road to Grace Baptist Church. It was such a pleasure to get to know each member of the Ledford family. Our trio sang to Pastor Pete Hollingsworth who pastors nearby and is taking the Masters Extended Studies Program. Spending time with the Ledfords and learning how to ride their horses, Gracie and Duke was a blast! Bro. Knickerbocker enjoyed the "horse" too! (See picture -one of their family pastimes is restoring old cars!) After riding, we sang and ate at the Texas BBQ Corral where the kind owner gave us our meal free! It was a great time of fellowship.

Thank you Pastor and Mrs. Ledford, Danielle, Amelia, Hayden, and Ashley for your kindness. It was such a blessing to meet you and we love you all. Thank you also to the Loviers and their daughter, Abbey Grace, for allowing Lindsay and Grace to stay in your home. And thank you Mrs. Judy for allowing Alysha and Alissa to stay with you! We appreciate your thoughtfulness and hospitality.

1 comment:

Beasty said...

Man, you all have the longest posts on record!!! How do you get away with so many pictures? They're really good! I love the one with Allisha in her wild colloutes (I have no clue how to spell that).
Grace it was great talking to you last night! I miss you guys and we're praying for you.