Sunday, June 29, 2008

Calvary Indian Baptist Church

Tahlequah, OK
Pastor Wildcat

Getting to know the people at Calvary Indian Baptist Church was such a blessing! There's nothing quite like the specialness of meeting people now that we will one day see in heaven and spend eternity with. We were so thankful for the privilege to share our testimonies and to sing for the Lord. Mrs. Knickerbocker also had the opportunity to give her salvation testimony. Bro. Knickerbocker preached on "The Great Supper" from Luke 14. It was stirring to hear him quote portions of Jonathan Edwards' sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God!"

After the service, we enjoyed a time of fellowship together! They had delicious traditional Cherokee flat bread and soup, fruits, sandwiches, and desserts. One precious lady gave each of us a glass mug full of candy! What a wonderful time we had laughing and sharing stories! Thank you Pastor and Mrs. Wildcat and Calvary Indian Baptist Church for engulfing us with so much love! We love you all and will never forget the kindness you shared. "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. (Philippians 1:3)

The following day, we visited the Cherokee Nation Museum and Indian Reservation! We had a wonderful time learning about their past and taking lots of pictures!


ryan(barbados) said...

Hello to you all.
I enjoyed the pictures. I am encouraged to see the joy that God has given to you all this summer.

May God continue to bless each of you and to draw you closer to Himself.
I will continue to pray for you all each day.

..Looking unto Jesus the author and the fnishier of your faith...

Brother Ryan
1Cor 15:57-58

Beasty said...

Hey, ya'lls blog looks great. Glad your enjoying yourself. Miss you all...(Grace Manning, answer your phone! :)